Monday, December 21, 2009

2.1 Awakenings - Your Doorways to Change

Tme is a great motivator to wake up
We all die in time. The thing about this life is once you start living, you become connected to time, which as we all know moves in only one direction, forward. Time is going by whether you like it or not, whether you’re happy or not. There’s really only one thing you have control over and that’s how much life, fun, joy, purpose will you pack in this time. There is an ocean of time and possibilities, so learning to swim or surf is not only life saving and keeps you from drowning but it is simply more fun. Do you really believe that you have been given this great gift of life to suffer? You are not broken, you can snap out of it, or you can snap into it, but its your life and it now your time to move, wake up to your life, it’s okay….ready.....set.....awake. 

“Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart. Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens.” - Carl Jung.

"The truth mayset you free, but first it will piss you off". Amelia aheart

Your Awakening
Why is it that instead of seeing a happy person excited to start a new day smiling back at you every morning, you avoid making eye contact with the less than happy face reflected in the bathroom mirror? You know that something has to change. This is the process called awakening. Simply stated awakenings are times or pivotal points of increased clarity, wisdom and awareness. They are times that you see yourself like never before. They are a point in someone’s life when enough time and suffering has passed to motivate change. They are a slap across the souls face, a spank on the soul’s newborn bottom saying, it’s time to wake up, the coast is clear, it’s safe, it’s time to move, groove and celebrate. It indicates an opportunity and need in a person’s life for movement, change and action. It’s a jumping point where positive growth and change are the most possible and likely. Its signals new beginnings, a new perception about ones position in life. It is exactly the time where things and the way you see yourself and the world around you will never be the same. It is that time where your soul awakens to its new surroundings and potential.

A person can experience many awakenings in their life, each one has potential to “let love in” thereby freeing or cleaning past hurt or traumas. Whether they are used efficiently depends on the ability to see them as opportunities or doorways for growth and efficiently act, decide or move into these doors.

These awakenings present as a sudden burst or in louder and louder waves. Once triggered they can seem to take you over. Awakenings are felt deep inside and are triggered by outside events, people, place, funerals, and especially calendars and mirrors. In the beginning awakenings are more painful for they bring into light the time lost and merge past hurt and experiences with the now so real present. They shine the truth into the protected past. They can be times of deep regret. They allow you to see lost potential, hidden regret and remorse. They can start with the statement “where has my life gone”, “this is not how I thought my life would be”. For instance the person who has worked their whole life to be responsible and at age fifty realizes that maybe life was not just about being responsible, another person that succeeded in everything that he was taught and thought to be valuable, job, house, money but never trusted or really loved someone. The mother who took care of everyone else except herself until her physical body gave out and created a cancer. It’s the classic case of Mr. Scrooge, or Jimmy Stewart in It’s a wonderful life”. It is the beginning is something new. Every awakening is personal and its timing is decided by how your life has been moving and your ability to accept, evolve or adjust your life. It is a time that pushes you to the potential of new actions and choice. It is a time that is yours to create a new way of being, a new personalized reflex. The more distant your path from the one that creates happiness the more likely you will feel one. In a spiritual sense, an awakening is GOD (by god I mean the force that we are all part of and connected to) pushing you to make your first action and accept your gift of life. Just as much as the nurturing soil may push the seed to the sun to grow.

At the beginning these doors themselves are can seem uncomfortable to feel, see and open, however the more a person delays, avoids, distracts the more energy required and the more uncomfortable they are. The least amount of effort is by moving through choice. The faster you choice the less suffering you go through. It is also becomes progressively more uncomfortable to see and open the next door. Still most of us are aware at some level of these painful points but not aware enough to know what they mean and what to do. They go by many names, lows, funks, anxiety, fear, breakdowns, depression. For most of us the thought of pain is so painful, that any sign of discomfort leads to the avoidance and distraction reflex. Without guidance, these pivotal points of growth are quickly protected, dismissed, resisted, blocked and purposely avoided with new intricate, diverse and complicated levels of distractions effectively numbing the person (numbzone) that is until enough time, life, potential, purpose and health have been lost to motivate the next awakening point. 

Even by reading this blog/book you may be starting to experience an awakening, you may have more awareness and see some tools for change. Life gives only opportunities to become even more alive. If you decide to reject, ignore, distract, numb or protect from these opportunities, then life and the universe or now GOD does not give up or abandon you, it just means it will knock even louder, which means more pain and suffering. In fact the further that you move away from the truth, the more time energy and resources it takes to awaken. The deeper the sleep the louder the scream or bump. What’s great about awakenings is that they are sustainable. The more awake you are, the less likely you can ever go back to sleep and wisdom is not something that you can forget, like knowledge. For example if someone was to show you what ‘light’ looks like it’s not like you can say to yourself, there is only dark, you can’t go backwards – it’s even more painful. Awakening gives you wisdom that gives way to more awareness and awareness gives opportunity to even more awakenings, you get the picture….its infinite, it’s a buffet of opportunities, possibilities and joy, all with more power and choice. The more power and choice you have the more in control you really are. So, now that your awakened a bit, you have to learn how to feel.

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